أورام البلعوم الأنفي :دراسة مسحية ، المعالجة والتكهنات

اسم الباحث:  شهاب قاسم سعيد عبد الله
غرض البحث: دكتوراه
جهة البحث:  الهيئة العراقية للاختصاصات الطبية

ملخص البحث:  ABSTRACTL:

This thesis is a retrospective and a prospective study of 104 patients with
nasopharyngeal tumours admitted from January 1, 1989 to September 30, 1996 in
AL- Shaheed Adnan Hospital- Saddam Medical City.
I- The prevalence of all nasopharyngeal tumours was 0.28%.
11- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma:
1- Theprevalence of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma was 0.21%.
2- The highest proportion of our patients from the middle part of Iraq (66.7%).
3- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma constituted 72.11% of all nasopharyngeal
tumours and 89.2% of malignant tumours of Nasopharynx.
4- The average age was ( 42.6 ). years and the range between (8 and 75) years.
5- Male: female ratio was 2: 1 and 66.6% were males and 33.3% were
6- The majority of patients presented with cervical lymph nodes enlargement (66.7%).
7- Lateral waIl was the commonest site invoived.
8- Exophytic macroscopical appearance was the most common macroscopical type.
9- Undifferentiated cell carcinoma was the most common histopathological type.
10- Stage lv was more common than “other stages (57.3%). .
11- Radioth~rapy” was the mainstay of treatment of our patients.
12- The actual 5- years survival rate was 13.7%.

البحث: غير منشور
تاريخ البحث:  1996
التواصل:  الدراسة متاحة بمكتبة المركز الوطني اليمني

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